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Saturday 30 January 2010

aterm transparency - mplayer rox-filer

First install the applications. This is on a Debian system and the debian multimedia repository, so some of the "possibly" patent encumbered  codecs are included in mplayer.

######## install applications ###########

ok@debian:~$ su
Password: xxxxxxxxx
debian:/home/ok# apt-get install aterm mplayer rox-filer

########### skip whats no needed ########

Suggested packages:

Recommended packages:

I have never installed the non-free w32codecs and have no idea why i'd need them as I seem to be able to play just about everything I throw at it.

By default zeroinstall-injector will install. If your not going to run the rox-desktop it's a pain in the ass. You can disable recommended packages

A far easier way is to use synaptic. Turn off recommends just while you install rox-filer. Then turn it back on again. Don't for get to refresh your sources list at each stage.

########### aterm transparency ################

Setting aterm from rox-filer to play audio with mplayer.
Place this in "set run action"

aterm -name aterm -title 'Debian-Terminal' -sl 3000 -tr +sb  -si -sk -fade 0 -sh 0 -g 50x10  -e mplayer "$@"

This is the settings for the terminal call in rox-filer
right click in a rox window go to options > menu and add:

aterm -name aterm -title 'Debian-Terminal' -sl 3000 -tr +sb  -si -sk -fade 0 -sh 60 -g 70x16
 Setting aterm from rox-filer to play video with mplayer.
Place this in "set run action"

aterm  -e mplayer "$@"